BHS2107 Santa Lucia
一首優美的那不勒斯船曲。旋律自然地游走於高低音域間。編曲者特別在伴奏部分以Mallet Roll和TD shake來模彷小結他的聲音。猶如一個清涼的傍晚在當地乘坐小船,伴隨小結他樂手演奏優美的旋律,欣賞海灣的美麗風景。
The origin of Santa Lucia is a traditional Neapolitan song. Christine Chan had the idea of arranging this song into a Handbell Quartet by assigning the mallet roll technique mainly in the bass throughout the piece. R1 & R2 use 2 skills (mallet roll & shake) simultaneously to imitate the sound of Ukulele. After the transition, the tune goes to R1 together with TD shake as accompaniment by R4, like an echo of mallet roll. Each ringer plays the melody with different techniques to show the uniqueness and variations of the piece.
Composer : J.L. Pierpont
Arranger : Christine Y. K. Chan
Octaves : 3 or 4
Level : Medium
Published by: Bellprints Handbell Supply
Copyright : 2021