Bellprints 手鈴國際大賽 IHC 2022 手鈴工作坊
📣 BELLPRINTS 手鈴國際大賽 IHC 2022 教學工作坊詳情 📣
安排了兩場 免費 手鈴教學講座
Directors’ Workshop (1) 【Connect with Dr. Behnke】
講師︰Dr. John A. Behnke
日期︰2022年5月20日 (五)
時間︰20:30 – 21:30 (1小時)
費用︰$ 590 (已參加【Bellprints IHC 2022】的團體負責人及指揮免費參加!)
大家有機會可以在網上跟 Dr. Behnke 見面,親身與大師級的作曲家對話!
如果大家想深入了解 Dr. Behnke 作曲時的心情、背後的思緒等問題,從而令自己及學生更能夠投入演出。歡迎預先將問題寫在報名表上,Dr. Behnke 將會在會面時一一為大家解答,讓大家對他的作品有更深入的認識。
Directors’ Workshop (2) 【評判點評】
日期︰2022年6月2日 (四)
時間︰20:30 – 22:00 (1.5小時)
費用︰$ 550 (已參加【Bellprints IHC 2022】的團體負責人及指揮免費參加!)
Miss Lok 曾於各大小型音樂比賽中擔任評判。有多年教授樂理的經驗,並教出不少成績優異的學生。同時,Miss Lok 亦在香港、英國等地方有多年的手鈴指揮的經驗。
因此,舉辦此 workshop 希望讓各參賽指揮如何從評判的角度去分析、演譯一首歌曲,令手鈴隊員在學習上得著更多及提升手鈴隊整體能力。
來聽聽 Miss Lok 的看法,向卓越的目標邁進。
每隊參加了【Bellprints IHC 2022】的比賽隊伍均設免費參加名額兩個 (免費名額只適用於報名隊伍之負責人及其指揮,可同時免費參與兩個講座)。
Good News to all Conductors and School Teachers who joined “BELLPRINTS IHC 2022”. We sincerely invite all of you to join these 2 special workshops to know more about the piece(s) before competition.
Directors’ Workshop (1)【Connect with Dr. Behnke】
Welcome to Chat with Dr. Behnke!
Dr John Behnke is an internationally-known composer, handbell director, clinician, and organist. He is Emeritus Professor of Music at Concordia University, Wisconsin, USA having taught there for 29 years (1986-2015). He directed The Alleluia Ringers, Concordia’s touring handbell choir and the Milwaukee Handbell Ensemble. He was also the Music Editor of AGEHR Publishing - Handbell Musicians of America from 2003 until 2019. In 2020, he was honoured to be named an Honorary Life Member of the Handbell Musicians of America.
Dr. Behnke enjoys composing and arranging, having over 500 handbell, choral, and organ compositions in print with 18 different publishers in the United States, Germany, and Taiwan. Bellprints Directors Miss Chan, Miss Lok and Miss Yeung were graduate students of Dr. Behnke's at Concordia University, Wisconsin, USA.
Directors’ Workshop (2) 【評判點評】
by Miss Jessica Lok
Marrying your team to the music under your baton is critical to make an outstanding performance.It can create an amazing and powerful effect on the audience’s listening experience and pleasure. Understanding and interpreting thoroughly the composition is the key to a masterful performance for both the audience and results in competition. Miss Lok has many years of experience as Adjudicator, and specialises on analysing the music to enhance the performance. She has nurtured hundreds of students to outstanding success in music examinations, competitions and performances. In this workshop you are invited, absolutely free, to absorb some of Miss Lok’s experience and skill for yourself and to pass this on to your ringers, to enhance the performances they will create.