BELLPRINTS 手鈴節樂團 X 社區樂團手鈴音樂會 2024
BELLPRINTS Festival Choir x Community Choir Handbell Concert 2024

表演團體 - Resonanace Ringers


Resonance 最初由5位年輕人在2013年成立,憑著對手鈴音樂的喜愛與堅持,手鈴隊規模逐漸擴大,現今已發展為一隊18人的手鈴隊。

手鈴將不同性格的我們聚在一起,因著對這種特別樂器的喜愛,我們手鈴演奏上擁有著共同夢想,因此我們將手鈴隊命名為「Resonance 」,取共鳴之意。我們期望在手鈴隊中會擦出不同的火花,也希望將我們演奏帶給觀眾,引起觀眾共鳴。

Resonance的隊員擁有豐富的手鈴演奏經驗,曾被邀請在「香港大學國際詩詞獎頒獎禮」擔任表演嘉賓;並曾參與港鐵舉辦的「港鐵•藝術」演出,與公眾分享手鈴音樂。2017年我們以一場別開生面的Handbell band show作為創團音樂會,其後亦以中秋、旅行作為主題舉辦年度音樂會。除了籌辦音樂會,Resonance近年積極參與公開比賽,近兩年在Bellprints 國際手鈴大賽中奪得冠軍佳績,演奏亦獲評判讚賞。我們期望在未來日子能夠在不同地方分享我們喜愛的手鈴音樂。

Resonance was originally founded by five young individuals in 2013. Driven by their love and passion for handbell music, the handbell team gradually expanded in size and has now developed into an ensemble of 18 members.

Handbells bring together individuals with different personalities. United by our shared love for this unique instrument, we have a common dream in our handbell performances. Therefore, we named our handbell team "Resonance," symbolizing the concept of resonance. We hope to create sparks within the handbell team and bring our music to the audience, evoking a sense of resonance among them.

The members of Resonance possess extensive experience in handbell performance. They have been invited to perform as guests at the "Hong Kong University International Poetry Awards Ceremony" and have participated in "MTR•Art" performances organized by the Mass Transit Railway, where they shared their handbell music with the public. In 2017, we held a unique Handbell band show as our inaugural concert, and since then, we have organized annual concerts with themes such as Mid-Autumn Festival and travel.

In addition to concert organizing, Resonance has actively participated in public competitions. In the past two years, we have achieved champion in the Bellprints International Handbell Competition, receiving great acclamation from the judges for our performances. We aspire to share our beloved handbell music in different places in the future.

Resonance Ringers 隊員 Member

Rachel Cheung

Kelly Chung

Katie Chui

Chloe Chong

Cammy Lai

Alice Lo

Lin Ka Yee

Yoyo Sen

Vincent Tsang

Howard Ng 

Joan Ng

Simon Tso

Wong Cheuk Wang

Austin Wong

Dennis Wong

Vanessa Wong

指揮 Conductor



二零一九年,黃氏加入Resonance Ringers,展開社區樂團生涯,其間曾隨陳彥琪女士參加手鈴比賽及表演,如二零一九年出席〈月亮説〉表演,更於二零二二始連續兩屆獲得Bellprints手鈴國際大賽第一。


Wong has started his handbell journey since he studied Primary School, participating numerous performance and competitions.

In 2019, Wong becomes one of the members of Resonance Ringers. With the guidance from Ms Chan Yin Ki, Chistine, Wong participates in different performance and competitions, such as “Talking to the Moon” in 2019, and award Champion in Bellprints International Handbell Competition with two consecutive years from 2022.

After tertiary graduation, Wong devotes to music education. He is a current primary school music teacher. With the guidance from Ms Chan in conducting skills and music education, Wong is a previous handbell and handchime teacher, leading and teaching various handbell and handchime school teams to participate in various performance and competitions.


陳彥琪畢業於香港教育學院,獲取小學教育榮譽學士學位,副修音樂教育。現為多隊社區及教會手鈴隊的顧問、指揮及表演者,積極推展本地手鈴的活動。陳氏熱愛手鈴音樂,經常遠赴海外參與國際手鈴活動。自2006年起參與分別於澳洲、美國及日本舉行的世界手鈴大會及國際手鈴會議,開拓手鈴音樂視野,並不斷精進手鈴演奏及指揮技巧,期間更考獲美國手鈴協會手鈴指揮證書。陳氏亦以優異成績修畢Concordia University, WI的手鈴指揮、演奏及作曲課程,師承Professor John Behnke 
陳氏演奏手鈴已超過二十年。2003年「十一分音符手鈴隊」成立, 陳氏為創團籌委之一,現為手鈴隊指揮及隊員,除參與手鈴隊的年度音樂會外,亦曾於香港繽紛冬日節、香港圖書館暑期節目巡禮、香港文化中心黃昏藝聚、元朗藝術節等作公開演出。 
陳氏亦積極投身於建立社區手鈴隊的工作。2013年,陳氏為「和鈴」手鈴隊的顧問,與隊員們一起走過由零開始建立的時期,並成為「和鈴」創團音樂會的指揮。陳氏對手鈴隊的支持亦造就了Resonance Ringers的成立,組織了一群中學畢業後依然對手鈴演奏充滿熱情的年輕人,陳氏現為Resonance藝術總監,陪伴藉這群年輕人成長並追尋手鈴演奏上的夢想,自2017的創團音樂會開始,每年都帶領著這群年輕人參與定期演出。
對手鈴有著共同的事奉理念,陳氏與駱婉嫻、楊紫婷和賴明心共同創立了手鈴四重奏Bellprints,期望如Mary Stevenson的詩歌「Footprints in the sand」的故事一般,Bellprints能以手鈴音樂與社會上有需要的一群並肩同行。自2016年起,Bellprints連續兩年獲邀於倫敦著名的Rudolf Steiner House舉行聖誕手鈴音樂會,繼而於香港舉行巡迴演出。201711月獲知名時裝國際品牌邀請到上海總部為聖誕大型活動展開序幕。20188月更獲手鈴製造商Schulmerich Handbell邀請於美國手鈴會議中作品牌代言人演出。

陳氏為Bellprints改編的聖誕四重奏樂曲 “Jingle Bells Calypso” “Santa Lucia” 分別於2017年上海、英國及香港音樂會中公開演出;但願人長久四重奏則於今次音樂會中首演。
Christine Y.K. Chan
Christine Chan graduated from the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) with a Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) Degree minor in music education. Christine has been actively participating in international handbell events since 2006, she participated in the International Handbell Symposium and the National Seminars held at Brisbane, Osaka, Orlando and Dallas to hone her skills in handbell ringing and conducting. Christine holds the “Certificate of General Handbell Director” Certification from the American Guide of English Handbell Ringers (AGEHR). Christine finished the Graduate Program in Handbell Studies at Concordia University, Wisconsin, where she had studied Handbell Conducting, Performance and Composing with the renowned Professor John Behnke. Christine is now a handbell consultant, conductor and active performer in various handbell ensembles as well as her involvement with the church handbell ministry program in HK. 
Christine started playing handbell during her undergraduate years and has been involved in handbell choirs for twenty years. Christine’s enthusiasm for handbell music led to the formation of “Double Mallet Ringers” in 2003, its members being 11 ex-partners of the HKIED Handbell Advanced Group. Christine is a founding committee member and an active player of the Double Mallet Ringers and is presently the conductor of the team. 
Christine has actively participated in annual concerts presented by Double Mallet Ringers since 2008, she is also involved in guest performances having been invited to perform by various arts organizations, including Hong Kong Tourism Board, Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Yuen Long Art Festival, Musicphilic Winds and many others. 
Christine had been the Education Supervisor of the Hong Kong Handbell Academy for nine years and is passionate about the education of the next generation in order to pass handbell music on and keep it alive and vibrant. Christine has conducted in many school handbell, handchime and belleplate ensembles and also participated in teacher’s training programs. She has also invited to be the handbell pedagogy instructor by the Community Engagement & Outreach Academy of Creative Arts, HKEdU. 
Christine puts considerable effort into providing support for a number of new local community choirs. Christine has been the consultant to the RAW Handbell Ensemble (Ring Around the World) and was the guest conductor of their debut concert in 2013.  Christine’s vigorous support has also led to the formation of a community choir “Resonance”, which has been established by a group of young, energetic ringers who have just graduated from secondary schools and want to retain and develop their passion for handbell performing as an ongoing feature in their lives. She has been directing the team since 2013 having regular performances annually since the debut concert in 2017. 

Christine has been actively involved in the development of handbell sacred music at her local church, endeavouring to bring handbell ringing back to its origins, she provides advice and devotes much of her time and infectious enthusiasm and energy into different churches. Christine is now serving in the Chai Wan Baptist Church as the consultant and conductor of the handchime ensemble, helping them to set up their long-term handbell program to train handbell musicians and conductors. 

Sharing a common dream and devotion in handbell performance, Bellprints Handbell Ensemble set up in 2016 with Jessica Lok, Phoebe Yeung and Janice Lai. December 2016 & 2017, Bellprints has been invited to present a Grand Christmas concert and very successfully held in Rudolf Steiner House in London, UK and 2 concerts in HK station. Bellprints was performed in an Annual Christmas Event of a big fashion brand in Shanghai, China in November 2017. July 2018, Christine and Jessica of Bellprints was invited to perform in the National Seminar held in the Grand Rapids US for a mini concert for the Schulmerich Handbell in the HIC Exhibition.

Christine’s Christmas handbell arrangements “Jingle Bells Calypso” and “Santa Lucia” was performed in Bellprints performances in Shanghai, London and Hong Kong in 2017. “但願人長久May we all be Blessed with Longevity” handbell quartet arrangement is première in this concert.