BELLPRINTS 手鈴節樂團 X 社區樂團手鈴音樂會 2024
BELLPRINTS Festival Choir x Community Choir Handbell Concert 2024

表演團體 - BellSingers


現時手鈴隊隊員共15人,大部分為香港教育大學畢業生及音樂教育工作者。成團至今,樂團不斷參與不同類型的音樂會,並獲不同機構邀請出席大型活動作表演嘉賓,如:香港教育大學手鈴隊週年音樂會“Do You Hear the People Ring”、香港教育大學"ARTiViva Gala"音樂會、聖誕頌歌節、第22屆及第23屆元朗藝術節、兒童之家聖誕音樂會、世界自然基金會「地球一小時」、社區手鈴馬拉松、港鐵藝術舞臺、翱樂管樂團週年音樂會"啟航"、文物時尚.荷李活道等。此外,樂團亦曾獲邀於新城數碼生活台接受訪問及進行婚禮表演,以上演出均獲得各單位不少好評。

BellSingers was founded and registered as a non-profit organization in Hong Kong in 2014. This handbell ensemble was formed by a group of passionate handbell performers with the vision of promoting handbell music to society and ringing handbells to mimic the sound of a person singing, which inspired the name BellSingers.

There are currently 15 amateur handbell musicians in BellSingers. Most of them graduated from The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and are now professional music educators. Over the last several years, BellSingers have staged various performances and were invited as guest performers to numerous events hosted by a variety of organizations, including the EdUHK Handbell Ensemble Annual Concert, “Do You Hear the People Ring,” the EdUHK “ARTiViva Gala” concert, the Child Development Matching Fund Carol Singing Festival, Yuen Long Arts Festival concerts, the The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong Small Group Home Christmas Concert, the World Wide Fund 10th Earth Hour and Community Handbell Music Marathon, Art in MTR – Living Art Stage, O Wind Ensemble Annual Concert "Overture", Heritage Vogue.Hollywood Road, and so forth. The group was also invited to a radio interview by Metro Live Digital and performed in a wedding ceremony. All performances were highly acclaimed.


BellSingers 隊員 Member

Chu Lok Yin

Chung On Yee Connie

Fong Yan Ling Michelle

Ho Ka Man Carmen

Ho Tin Yui

Keung Angel

Ng King Tung Klare

No Cheuk Yan Cherny

Lai Ming Sum Janice

Mak Wan Yu Whitney

Fung Chun Wai

Yeung Tsz Ting

Isaac Wan*

Chan Sin Yu*

Lee Ching*

Guest Ringers

指揮 Conductor


楊紫婷畢業於美國威斯康辛協同大學及香港教育大學,獲取聖樂碩士學位 (主修手鈴) 及音樂教育榮譽學士學位。楊氏曾師隨Dr. John Behnke學習手鈴演奏及作曲;Prof. Henry Leck及Dr. Alexa Doebele學習合唱指揮。


楊氏已從事手鈴音樂教育工作超過十年,所指導的手鈴隊於比賽中屢獲殊榮,至今亦於不同中小學及團體擔任手鈴指揮及工作坊講師。為推廣手鈴音樂教育,楊氏曾創立悅鈴音樂教育中心,現為Bellprints Handbell Supply總監,提供各類手鈴訓練課程及活動,推動本地手鈴音樂的發展。楊氏亦積極參與培訓本地手鈴教師的工作,曾受邀為香港教育大學社區藝薈學堂導師及「社區學校手鈴教學伙伴計劃」委員會成員,協助提升手鈴教育工作者的教學質素。楊氏現為香港教育大學手鈴隊指揮,培訓大專生的手鈴演奏技巧及教學。楊氏亦獲邀擔任手鈴比賽的評判,協助提升各手鈴團隊的演奏水平。



Phoebe T.T. Yeung
Yeung Tsz Ting, Phoebe, graduated from Concordia University Wisconsin with a Master degree in Church Music, with a particular emphasis on handbell, and from the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) with a Bachelor of Education (Honours) Degree in Music. She studied handbell performance and composing under the guidance of handbell master Dr. John Behnke, choral conducting with Prof. Henry Leck and Dr. Alexa Doebele.

While an undergraduate Phoebe started learning handbell with Ms. Zerlina Wong. She served as the chairperson of the EdUHK Handbell Ensemble. To further enhance the skills in handbell ringing and conducting, she actively participates in international handbell events and performances abroad, including the International Handbell Symposium, the Handbell National Seminar, and Masterclass in Handbell Conducting.

Phoebe has been involved in handbell music education for over ten years. The ensembles she has directed have received numerous awards in competitions. She has directed various handbell ensembles and conducted handbell workshops in different organizations. In order to promote music education in this specialism, Phoebe founded BelleMusik, a handbell education centre, and currently served as the Director of Bellprints Handbell Supply, providing various handbell training courses and activities to develop the local handbell music industry. She actively participates in training local handbell teachers and has been invited to teach at the CEO Academy of the Education University of Hong Kong and served as a committee member of the "Community School Handbell Teaching Partnership Program," contributing to the improvement of handbell education. Phoebe is currently the conductor of the Handbell Ensemble at the Education University of Hong Kong, where she trains college students in handbell performance and teaching. She has also been invited to serve as a judge in handbell competitions, assisting in raising the performance level of various handbell teams.

Phoebe is currently a ringer and conductor of “BellSingers,” of which she is a founding committee member. She has helped organize concerts and workshops to educate public about handbell music. Additionally, Phoebe is a member of Bellprints Handbell Quartet, which actively performs in Hong Kong. The quartet has toured in the UK and Hong Kong and has been invited to perform at international fashion brand events and international concerts overseas.

Phoebe is also a composer and arranger of handbell music. She has composed and arranged handbell music for various community and school ensembles. Her original and arranged handbell music have been published in the US and Hong Kong.